Tribute to Mondrian (Movable Art)

This was one of the first movable art objects I did create. While thinking about color theory and how colors influence the perception of other colors and dimension I wanted to experiment with the three basic colors like mondrian did. In the exhibition 2016 a lot of people like rearranging it as much as I […]

Für Meike

A friend of mine asked me for a painting for this little hallway. Two lovely little girls live in the rooms on the left and the right and of course pink – and purple, too. I tried to combine these colors with the colors of the floor, the walls and of the family pictures on […]

Mountain Well

Acrylic paint on canvas, 02/2017, 80*120 cm, sold. Here are some details I like:

Reading Lines I

Acrylic paint on canvas, 2012, 80*100 cm, available. I did not intent to paint something in particular. I just wanted to do something with these colours: a warm sunny kind of yellow that seems golden and blends in with gold almost perfectly, a light blue – innocent and bright and a warmish purple that adds […]

Remembering Iceland in summer

The barren landscape and the often cold light are still in good memory. Just like the bright green mosses, which cover the various colored layers of volcanic rock. Acrylic paint on canvas, Dec 2016, 40*40 cm. Only one available. Acrylic paint on canvas, Dec 2016, 40*40 cm. Only one available.

Für Claudia

Acrylic paint on canvas, Jan. 2016, 55*75 cm. Not available That was the empty spot to be filled with a painting that fits with the colours of the room and matches the style of the painting that was already there.  Sounds easy  🙂 but took me about seven tries. At least three times I restarted […]

Dreiecke (Movable Art)

After playing around with squares and lines I was curious what kind of possibilities triangles offers … AND … was happily surprised what kind of different arrangements are possible and how easily icons can be created and stories can be told. 70*100 cm with up to 42 movable triangles, available.

For KAndy

80*200 cm, acrylic colour on canvas. When Kerry and Andy asked me to paint something for their new living room I was very happy to create something for such a prominent spot. The challenge was that it should be colourful and integrate well with the furnishings and their interior design. Thus, I took some photos […]

Exhibition Sardenhaus

Exhibition in Sardenhaus Munich, 19-24.07. The children like the movable art objects a lot.

Black Lines (Movable Art)

50*50 cm with movable black wood elements, available Due to the simplicity of the elements countless combinations are possible: lines that form a movement or a pictogram. The same size of the elements makes it possible to group them easily together or create new two-dimensional forms. Discover the possibilities! I have discovered for myself that […]