Vera (Movable Art)

50*70 cm with up to 25 red movable wood elements, available I was really fascinated by Vera Molnars “Trapèzes penchés à droit” (1987/88) because of the enormous visual variability achieved by the simplicity of arranging red trapezes. The four different collages were like an invitation to me, saying: Come and play with us! While trying […]

Schillern (Movable Art)

I wanted to create something that involves the audience more actively, something that offers interaction beyond the „mere“ perception of images. I liked the idea that art is created only by interacting with an object, that everyone contributes in the creation of art, indeed provides the artistic achievement him- / herself. Thus, everyone can poof […]


Lacquer & pigment on, 60*60 cm,  Nov. 2015,  not available


This painting was designed to be part of a workspace or meeting room. It shall strengthen an environment where people come together to collaborate and to create new ideas and innovative solutions together. The underlying motif can be characterized by the interplay of contrasting colors that come together in a conjoint stream.

Golden Ginko

60*60 cm, available.I was inspired by the movement of leeves in warm autumn light. You know this time of the year, when the wind is still warm and the sun is still strong, but you feel that it’s fading. Nethertheless, it’s so beautiful that it doesn’t feel like losing something.


Acrylic paint on canvas, 160*180 cm,  May 2015, available

Spring Air

Diese Bild wurde geschaffen, um die Frische des Frühlings in jeden noch so dunklen Raum zu bringen. Es fängt den leichten Frühlingswind ein und lässt ihn sanft über die Leinwand tanzen. Ein Hauch von Grün und zarten Sonnenstrahlen erfüllt den Raum mit Leben und Energie. Lasst uns gemeinsam den Frühling willkommen heißen!  This picture was created to bring […]


Acrylic paint on canvas, 70*100 cm, Sept. 2014, not available. [polldaddy poll=8715026]

Pink Mountain

Acrylics on canvas, 200*100 cm, not available. The idea was to brighten this rather dark meeting room and open a new perspective. The room has a stretched shape with a window on one of the long sides that faces an internal corridor. Blinds prevent looking into the room and out of it, too. The dark […]