Dalai Lama

Oil on board, 2013. 60*60 cm not available anymore He was the first known person I did paint. I somehow admire his attitude – peaceful but still fighting. It gives me hope, that mankind is not only aggressiv. Than again I ask myself if it is naive.  

Red Yellow Gold

This one is from 2012. Acryl on canvas 80*100 cm I like the fact that it is strong and vivid and somehow settled, too. That’s what made me think it’s finished.

mountains by the lake

Acrylic paint on canvas, 2014, 60*60 cm, available. This painting was inspired by a walk in the end of winter. There was only a few spots with snow left and the blue mountains were shining the in the warm afternoon light.

The Beach

Acrylic paint on canvas. 69*90 cm, 2014, available. One new summer image for everybody who enjoyes these warm sunny days on the beach as much as I do.

flowers and light

The joy that summer is finally here, inspired me to paint this picture: the lightness of the flowers and also the sunlight that creates a speacial moment. Arcylic paint on canvas, 100*100cm, July 2014


This paperwork is 160cm*80cm and was created in Dec. 2013. Not available. The idea was to create something for this bedroom that matches the red wall paint and adds a calming touch.