Golden Light

The creation of this commissioned painting was an individual process aimed at capturing the perfect atmosphere for a doctor’s treatment room. The painting brings warmth and light to a space with limited sunlight, creating a calming and welcoming environment. With many small details, the artwork offers patients the chance to discover something new with every visit.

2 canvases, each 100*140 cm, arcylic color, painted together with Martin, 11/2020, not for sale.
Yellow Sofa

A vibrant yellow sofa serves as the focal point, bringing warmth and cheer to this modern meeting room. To harmoniously complement the bold presence of the sofa, a unique commissioned painting was created. With vivid colors like orange, red, and yellow, combined with soft blues and whites, the abstract artwork introduces movement and balance into the space. This creates a cohesive, creative atmosphere that inspires productivity.
Mountain Well
Acrylic paint on canvas, 02/2017, 80*120 cm, sold. Here are some details I like:
Triangle (Movable Art)
After playing around with squares and lines I was curious what kind of possibilities triangles offers … AND … was happily surprised what kind of different arrangements are possible and how easily icons can be created and stories can be told. 70*100 cm with up to 42 movable triangles, available.